Feature: Frequently bought together

Status: Design
Feature name: Frequently bought together

User stories

US1. (Manual) As a system admin, I want to link/unlink products manually as “frequently bought together” (FBT) and put/change priorities, so that we can deliver frequently bought together product lists to the store front end by demand.

Is solved by Product Associations functionality: create Associations Group = Frequently bought together and add associations via UI. Available through the Association widget in a product record.

Another solution is Rule-based products associations. You can read more about it here: Feature: Rule-based product associations

Updating “Frequently bought together” list by export and import

US2.1 (Manual) As a system admin, I want to upload relations “frequently bought together” for products and put priorities, by CSV or by xls file, so that we can deliver frequently bought together product lists to the store front end by demand.

US2.2 (Manual) As a system admin, I want to delete relations “frequently bought together” for all products, so that frequently bought together products are not empty in the system.

US2.3 (Manual) As a system admin, I want to export all FBT relations by using Generic export so that I can then modify it and upload it back.

To solve this we need to improve the product associations management (for any group) by adding export and import functionality. This functionality is designed as a dedicated feature “Product associations export and import”, you may keep track of it in a dedicated article.

US3. (3rd-party algorithmic) As a developer, I want to integrate the catalog with the external engine which marks products and put priorities, as “frequently bought together” based in its internal logic, so that we can deliver frequently bought together product lists to the store front end by demand.

How to demo:

  • create a simple dummy FBT engine which updates relations for 50K products by schedule
  • following the manual integrate platform FBT functionality with this dummy FBT engine (no more than 8 hours)
  • run products update
  • appropriate products become visible as “Frequently bought together” in the Electronic theme for each of these products.


  • usability and transparency for the user
  • work with significant volumes (upload 50K product relations)
  • work with multiple active rules (50 rules)
  • performance < 300 ms and sizing model (Azure)
  • cost of integration for external engine: no more than 8h
  • unit test samples 1. how to use - frequently bought together API 2. sample of the 3rd-party algorithmic method (maybe based on SQL Querty to order module )


  • FBT = group of products one to many


  • view what is FBT with this product= > widget in product
  • add / delete product to FBT => widget in product
  • view all varieties of FBT => export CSV
  • delete all varaities of FBT => optional checkbox “delete all and import”

Solution will allow various types of associations for both Product and Item such as upsell, cross sell, works with, compatible with, etc.